The Edgar Cayce Readings
Continent and Culture of Atlantis
Readings Extract - Atlantean Contact with Egypt
READING: 526-1
Entity was in Atlantis, during the periods when there were the
attempts of those to leave on account of the destructive forces being
brought in the experience. The entity was among those that journeyed
to the Egyptian land, and aided - for a short period - in gathering
those peoples for an understanding and correlating of the better
tenets in each of those things being presented by that priest in that
READING: 350-1
In Egypt, during those periods when there was the exchange of
ideas between the Egyptian civilization (or Egyptian tend and
thought) and the gradual acceptance of idolatrous thought in
Atlantis. The entity was then among those that saw both, the one in
its decline and the other in its arising. ALSO IN: Social,
Religious, Political, Legal
as there was the entering of the priest from the land Egypt to
Poseidia, that there might be gained more of an understanding of the
law of One (or God), that there might be the interpretations and the
records of same carried to the Egyptian land, the ENTITY returned -
or JOURNEYED, soon after the priest's return from Atlantis, to Egypt.
as there continued to be the rebellions and the exodus of the peoples
in Atlantis before the final destruction, the entity - becoming
interested in those activities - finally (as would be termed in the
present) became embroiled through engrossment in that taking place in
Egypt during the young king's enthronement - and the elderly king,
and the peoples, and the counsellors of the king.
aided much in the records; not only of the period but as to how the
varied activities were to be in the land pertaining to the records of
that which was to be, as well as that which had been, and the records
in that monument or tomb or pyramid yet to be opened. Records also of
those that were transferred from the destruction of the Atlantean
land. For, the entity was still in charge of these records when the
last of the peoples of Atlantis journeyed to the various quarters of
the globe; ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
clanged the sheet of metal at the completion of Gizeh, that sealed
the records in the tomb yet to be discovered.
room in Sphinx holds record of Atlantis from the beginnings of those
periods when the Spirit took form or began the encasements in that
land, and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn,
with the record of the first destruction and the changes that took
place in the land, with the record of the SOJOURNINGS of the peoples
to the varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings
of all the nations or lands for the activities in the destructions
that became necessary with the final destruction of Atlantis and the
buildings of the pyramid of initiation, with who, what, where, would
come the opening of the records that are as copies from the sunken
with the change it must rise (the temple) again. This in position
lies, as the sun rises from the waters, the line of the shadow (or
light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx, that was later set as
the sentinel or guard, and which may not be entered from the
connecting chambers from the Sphinx's paw (right paw) until the TIME
has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of
man's experience. Between, then, the Sphinx and the river.
entity was among those of the Atlanteans who came into Egypt, and
whose land was destroyed during that period. Hence the entity was
among the children of the Law of One that entered the Egyptian; land;
being a priestess in Poseidia, and brought much of the record that
was attempted to be preserved for future activity, future proofs to
those who would seek out these influences that were the happenings in
the Atlantean land. It would be well for the entity to gain all of
that as urged by groups or individuals to acquaint man with the truth
or the possibilities or that land, the Atlantean, and the message it
is to bring to the earth yet again. Through that sojourn it might be
said that the entity was the directing influence in bringing about a
correlation of those truths for the peoples. Though the entity did
not foregather with those who attempted to overcome or to take
advantage of the rebellions in the Egyptian land, the entity was a
directing influence to those of that period who attempted to
correlate their activities with the Priest and with those of the land
who would be a helpful influence in the experiences of individuals,
and also to bring about a development of those who were in a lower
stage - among the Atlanteans as well as the Natives of the Egyptian
land, as well as of those that in the present would be called the
during those periods when there were those sojournings of groups and
individuals from the Atlantean land to the periods of activities in
that now known as the Egyptian land, when a turmoil and a strife was
in progress. The entity made many trips to and from Egypt to the
Atlantean land, to Poseidia, where the activities of a peoples in a
commercial way and manner, in a spiritual way and manner, had brought
a high order of civilization - as would be termed in the present.
Finally settling in the Egyptian land when there had been the
restoration of the priest Ra- Ta, the entity - given into the
activities of the commercial forces of the land - aided in bringing
much to a peoples, to break down the conditions that arose from the
rebellions between the natives and those who sojourned there for
their own development and for the maintaining of those influences
whereunto there might be given greater expression to the
manifestations of the relationships between man and man, and between
the Creative Influences, and how that the application of a soul to
its fellow man MADE for manifestation of the spiritual and soul
forces in the earth. ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in that known as the Atlantean land, during those periods when
there was the exodus from the land to what is now known as Egypt. The
entity then, as a companion of Ax-tell, became the leader in those
activities when there was begun the correlation of the experiences of
those peoples when the turmoils and strifes arose. And the entity
aided much in the clearing of differences, and in establishing those
activities that made for the greater understandings of all the
different purposes, or the different presentations of purposes in
that period. A judge, then, became the entity ALSO IN: Vocations
and Activities
was in the Atlantean land when there were the breakings up of those
peoples owing to the destructive forces. The entity was among those
of the Law of One who made their departure not only for the
preservation of the material things but for the preserving of the
records that might eventually become a portion of man's experience in
the earth (when there is the seeking into those realms within the
inner self for a knowledge of the close relationships with the
Creative Forces). For the entity then was a priestess in the temple
in the lands of the Atlanteans. But with the changes for the various
groups, the entity entered those lands of the Egyptians. And during
those periods of the banishment of the Priest, the entity AS an
Atlantean made for much of that which made it NECESSARY for the
recalling of the Priest during that experience; LEAVING the earthly
experience with the return of the Priest. Yet as a priestess of the
Law of One, purity, beauty, sincerity have ever been as the keynote
through the entity's activities in its associations with its fellow
man. ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
was in that known as the Atlantean land, in those periods when there
were the comings of those from Atlantis to first the Pyrenees and
then portions into Egypt; when there was the distributing of those
tenets that had been correlated by the entity's peoples and the
Priest, with those in the Mongolian, the Indian, the Carpathian
experience. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
the entity was among those who journeyed from Atlantis or Poseidia
itself, first to the Pyrenees or Portugese land and later into what
would be called in the present the Egyptian land - during those
periods after the recall of Ra-Ta, when he with Saneid and the
activities from the land of On and Oz and those from what is now
known as the Gobi land attempted to make for a unification of the
knowledge. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
we find the entity then as would be said in the present, was the
first to set the records that are yet to be discovered, or yet to be
had of those activities in the Atlantean land, and for the
preservation of the data, that as yet to be found from the chambers
of the way between the sphinx and the pyramid of records.
entity was among those who came to the Egyptian land during periods
of breaking up of the land, of the children of the Law of One , - yet
coveting the principles of the children of Belial; thus causing in
part those disturbances which arose in the Egyptian period of the
entity's activity there. Hence with the associations of (?), and
others of that group who undertook to hold to those activities which
arose by the banishment of the Priest, the entity was only brought to
the better understanding with the return of the Priest, - through the
aid from some of the Natives, and a few of the entity's own people.
ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
that the entity was in the Atlantean AND the Egyptian land. For, the
entity was among those who came into Egypt who were in authority in
the Atlantean land; being among the children of the Law of One, and
instrumental in influencing the peoples to the uprising - or to the
attempt to take advantage of the situation when the Atlanteans came
into Egypt. ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
was in Atlantis during those periods when there were the separations,
just before the breaking up of Poseidia. The entity then controlled
those activities where communications had been established with other
lands, and the flying boats that moved through air or water were the
means by which the entity carried many of those to the Iberian land,
as well as later those groups in the Egyptian land -when there had
been the determining that the records should be kept there. ALSO
IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Technology,
Science, Architecture ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
we find the entity in the capacity, of the leader in making overtures
in the Egyptian land. Finding the land in turmoil because of
rebellions, the entity - with one Ax-Tell - undertook to set up the
own activities. For the entity then was an associate of Ax-Tell, not
a companion but a fellow worker with that leader Ax-Tell in Egypt.
the return of the Priest, by the edicts, and then the establishing of
the groups that controlled the religious and the political and the
varied activities in that land with the return of the Priest. The
entity first became sullen; then joined in with those movements for
the preparation of people for the regeneration of the bodies of
THINGS in that period. ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
that the entity was in the Atlantean land when there were those
groups being set in other lands for various purposes and activities.
The entity was among those of the group that came into Egypt. With
the establishing of the Temple of Sacrifice, the entity set about to
use the tenets and truths that had been a part of the experience in
Atlantis, of the children of the Law of One. These were used as
suggestions in those periods, with the elements and drugs used as
sedatives, for activities in the Temple of Sacrifice or for the
surgery, in preparing individuals for definite services, by the
removal of those things that would cause one to become
different-minded because of the relationships to the activities in a
pre-existence or pre-period of materiality. ALSO IN: Technology,
Science, Architecture ALSO IN: Pre-existing Civilizations
What was the character of the Atlantean teachings, that the Priest
was called back to counteract? (A) That all those who were without
sufficient of the purposes to seek the whole light, because of the
very influence of the appendages and conditions which had been
manifested in materiality such as to make them "things,"
were to be kept submerged to be used by those with the greater
abilities. The Priest held that these were one, and that such
conditions offered the possibilities through which each soul might
find a way of escape, - by and through the purifying of the body in
each experience, that the activities of same - in its passage through
the various experiences necessary - might eventually become channels
thru which blessings, and knowledge of the divine influence and
force, might be made manifest.
the breaking up of the land the entity was among those that set sail
for the Egyptian land, but entered rather into the Pyrenees and what
is now the Portuguese, French and Spanish land. And there STILL may
be seen in the chalk cliffs there in Calais [Galice?] the activities,
where the marks of the entity's followers were made, as the attempts
were set with those to create a temple activity to the follower of
the law of One. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands ALSO
IN: Followers of the Law of One
this we find the entity was in that land that may be called the
submerged or Atlantean land, when there were those divisions of the
lands, when the individuals and groups began to separate from the
land for other shores. The entity was among those that came into the
Egyptian land, losing in the activities that made for the sorrowing
or sorrow for self because of the separations as brought about for
the material love associations in the time. Yet in the Egyptian
experience, through the associations of those in the land to whom the
entity was brought, there was much of the strengthening of those that
made for the buildings and the connection with the buildings in the
experience when there was the giving to the people with the return of
the priest to the land. In those things that brought for the first
hospitalization, the first medical research, the first of the
distribution of the laws pertaining to the cleansing of the body in
the establishing of the Temple, both in the sacrifice and in the
Temple Beautiful, the entity acted in the capacity of supplying music
and art in their varied activities. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
was in the Atlantean land, when there was the breaking up of the
isles and it had been given out that those who would or were to be
saved must journey forth to the various centers to which the leaders
had been given the passports. The entity was among those who came
first to what is now the Pyrenees, and later to the activities -
after they had been set up years before - in the Egyptian land. ALSO
IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Other Lands
that we find the entity was in that land now known as the Atlantean,
during those periods when there were the attempts of the individuals
to leave same through the knowledge that there must be very soon the
destruction of same. The entity was among those who went to the land
now known as the Egyptian, during those periods when there was the
attempt to overshadow the teachings of the Priest that had recently
been returned to the position of affluence. The entity brought
contradictory experiences in its own self and was banished to what
later became the period of uprisings by those in what is now the East
Indian land. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
in those periods when there was the entering of the Atlanteans, with
those THINGS or servants, and the attempts of the leaders there to
classify many of the Natives with such groups as had been brought in
by the King, the Priest and the Atlanteans, there came consternation
in the experience of the entity. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
entity was then in the Atlantean land when those were being chosen to
carry the various forces and influences throughout the earth's
experience for the training or retaining of the activities. The
entity then was among those of the Law of One that went to what was
then the Egyptian land; in the same sex, yes; making for much that
drew the beauty of expression, or the entity engaged in the
activities particularly to express the beautiful through dress. ALSO
IN: Vocations and Activities
was in that now known as the Atlantean or Egyptian land; for the
entity was in both, being the one who conducted, as it were, those in
authority of the Law of One to the Egyptian land for the sojournings
of the peoples there, at the time of or just previous to the last
destruction of the Atlantean land. The entity then was in the
capacity of the director of the expedition; yet not until the latter
portion of the sojourn or experience did the entity ever join in with
those activities of that peoples in the Egyptian land, and then was
in that particular phase of ADORNING the buildings especially with
the gems or precious stones of that day. ALSO IN: Followers of
the Law of One ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land when there were those journeyings from same
into the Egyptian land, and into the various periods of
interpretations. The entity aided not only Ra but those of the land
of Saneid, those from the land of Wu, those from the Pyrenees and
those from the Carpathian land. All of these were a part of the
activity of the entity, as the princess of those peoples as they came
from the Atlantean land and gave the interpretation of the Law of One
as reflected in the mechanical, the commercial, the spiritual, the
theological activities of the experiences of individuals. Entity's
experience was more active than many of the peoples; for the burdens
of the many activities fell upon the entity in the interpretation of
those various tenets and truths. And it might be said that the entity
was the more active in bringing about that period in the experience
of the earth when there were the closer walks with the sons of God by
the sons of men, through the peace wrought by the allaying of the
fears of those in many varied lands. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Other Lands
was in the land now known as the Atlantean, during those periods when
there was the breaking up of the lands - owing to the destructive
forces that were being wrought by the sons of Belial in the mis-
application of the lessons of truth in the land. The entity was among
those who came into the Egyptian land FROM the Pyrenee land; and
hence came with the latter portion of those from the Atlantean land.
When there were the rehabilitation and the re-activities of the
Priest in the land, the entity joined with those in the preparations
for the service in the Temple of Sacrifice and later in those
activities in the Temple Beautiful. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and
Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
find the experience was in the Atlantean land, when there was the
breaking up of the land into the sections and then the destruction of
portions. And in the latter portion of the activity the entity was
among those who journeyed to the Egyptian land. In the experience the
entity was associated with those activities called or termed or known
in the present as COMMUNICATIONS; in the abilities for activities of
every nature pertaining to messages, wireless, and the abilities to
direct ships that flew in the air as well as sailed under the water;
and those influences or forces that were directed by the generation
from prisms of light and from the center of the sources of forces
that made for such directions. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
was in the land now known as the Atlantean, when there was the
breaking up of same; when the children of the Law of One were sending
the old as well as the young to the various lands. The entity was
among those who, with Ax-Tell and Ajax, brought the understandings to
those in the Egyptian land as to the activities in which there might
be (and became later) a unifying of purpose in the teachings of the
Priest in that experience; as to how, through the activities in the
Temple of Sacrifice as well as in the Temple Beautiful, bodies as
well as minds were prepared for the special service in given
directions in their relationships with the material, the mental and
the spiritual affairs of men. In regard to the abilities of the
entity during that experience, too much might not be said. For the
entity made it possible for the abilities of many to be coordinated
in the activities of all the fields of service through that period of
great development in the material associations. ALSO IN:
Followers of the Law of One
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there were the separations from the land, owing to the
knowledge of those destructive forces being brought about by the sons
of Belial. The entity was among those of the group that came into the
Egyptian land, during those periods of the reconstruction. While
young in years, the entity brought much that was helpful as well as
much that became disturbing to the experiences of those in that land
of the Egyptians where -through those turmoils and strifes, through
the activities that had brought about the deportation of the Priest
and then the return - there was the attempt to correlate many of
those truths with those of other nations and other peoples. There the
entity became - for a time - a stumblingstone to those who attempted
to set up the preparation of individuals for special or individual
service. The entity made for disturbing activities, owing to a class,
owing to its desire to selfishly put self ahead, - rather than in the
abilities of those that could make for greater creative and
constructive influences in the lives of the many. The entity was an
associate then of Abdubu of the Persian land, who BECAME a power in
the latter portion of the entity's sojourn in the Egyptian and to the
Persian land. ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there was the breaking up of the land. And the entity
was young in years, with the transplanting of self bodily with others
into that known as the Egyptian experience. In that land the entity
came to be the interpreter of the musical preludes for those
activities to which individuals would give themselves in the better
reconstruction of the land in all of its phases of mental, material
and spiritual endeavor. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were
those divisions which arose through those periods when destruction
was coming upon the land. The entity was among those who chose to go
with those groups that came into the Egyptian land, during that
period of the reconstruction. And the entity, acting in the capacity
of what would be called in the present a chemist, made for the
turning of much of those lands of the Nile to that of being more
productive in the supplying of foods for those CHANGES that were
being wrought by the laboring people through the Temples of
Sacrifice. There we find the entity was associated with Ax-Tell,
Araaraart and those in the activities of the Temple of Sacrifice.
ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, being among those who came into Egypt with
the groups there, - during those periods when there were the
gatherings of the peoples for a common purpose, and the abilities of
those under the Priest, and the directions by those chosen of the
Atlanteans. The entity was among those chosen of the children of the
Law of One, to enable the peoples to become as one united for a
common purpose and cause.
was in the Atlantean land during those periods when there were those
activities which necessitated the dispersing of many of the children
of the law of One to other lands. There we find the entity was among
those who came into the Egyptian land, - and with those periods of
reconstruction became very closely affiliated or associated with the
Natives who had been a part of the Rebellion through those periods.
And with the acceptance of the activities of the Atlanteans, and the
correlation of same with the tenets of the Priest and those of other
lands, the entity rose to be among those of the Natives who were the
instructors in the manners and forms of the artistry in the
decoration of homes, as well as in the various edifices where the
services were carried forward. ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of
One ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the
exodus to other lands. The entity entered into the Egyptian land with
Ajax, as well as those peoples of that land who later became a part
of the municipal as well as the religious activities, with a
combination of the efforts of the Priest of that period as well as
the King. With the reestablishing of the Priest as that part of the
physical mental and spiritual development of the land, and the
attempts to unite the efforts of the many lands, the entity became a
part of that influence; especially in its abilities for activities in
keeping the records of the various groups who were entrusted with the
dispensing not only of knowledge but of moneys or the wherewithal for
the carrying on of the various undertakings in the land. Thus the
entity grew to be one in power, and one acquainted with the affairs
of many lands. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the land now known as or called the Atlantean, during those
periods of the breaking up of same, when there were many divisions of
those in the various portions of the earth as were then coming into
activity. The entity was among those who went to what was the Mayan
or Mayan and Incan activity, or the land of Oz. In the experiences
the entity led in the preserving of those things which brought the
creating of vibratory forces as from the very ESSENCE of nature's
storehouses themselves; and thus the vibrations of metals, of juices,
of plants, of the activity of nature or of the sun and the dew upon
same became the entity's activities. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and
Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political,
Legal ALSO IN: Technology, Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those activities that
changed the dwellings of the peoples there. The entity was among the
younger of those peoples of the Law of One who came into the Egyptian
land, and with the united efforts of the Atlanteans and the
Egyptians, with the developing of those periods that were the very
foundations of that which IS the hospitalization in the present, and
the activities as recorded as portions of that ye call medical
actions, - these were portions of the entity's activities. Raised
through the purification, the classification in that experience, the
entity became a power throughout that part of the sojourn in that
land. The entity became an authority upon the temperaments and the
tenets that would be the more effective in the experiences of
individuals. Thus, as ye would call in the present, the entity was
more of a psychoanalyst, as would be called today; aiding in the
determining factors to which individuals and various groups would be
set for their studies for the greater advancement of the individual
and the abilities of same. ALSO IN: Technology, Science,
Architecture ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, when there was the exodus of the peoples
to the Egyptian land. The entity was among those leaders of the
peoples who entered into Egypt; and considered among the counselors
of same, with great efficiency and ability in choosing individuals
for active service in relationships to the State, or to the offices
for the greater good, or the common good of the whole - or of groups.
In the Egyptian land this caused quite a disturbance to the entity,
owing to the Rebellions and the attempts of the Atlanteans to take
advantage of the situation to establish themselves the greater, and
the recall of the Priest. For the entity then became greatly
disturbed, because of embitterments which arose between the entity
and the Priest. Yet eventually, through the deeper considerations of
self and its peoples, there was the absorbing of the ideals and ideas
of the Priest, or the turning of the ideas into ideals, through the
seeking to comprehend, to understand, and then to practically apply
the tenets of "The Lord thy God is One."
entity was among the Atlanteans who entered Egypt, and among those
groups over which there were many questions, - in their attempts to
predominate the activities there. ...purposes and intents are that
self may be exalted, - even as in those experiences when the
Atlanteans again brought the desire of power, and were only stopped
by the activities of that entity who brought hope to the Egyptian
land. Before that the entity was among the Atlanteans, as indicated,
and among those who came into the Egyptian land; and aroused in the
activities with the leaders and the natives the realization that
there would be the powers proclaimed, and the submerging of THINGS
(or of peoples in their lower evolution) to become more and more as
servants. In such activities the entity is not always gentle, not
always kind to those who are beneath him in a social station; and
this becomes innate in the experiences in the present from that
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the activities which
brought about the necessity of the separating, and the exodus of the
peoples from the land, owing to those destructive forces brought
about by the children of Belial. The entity was among those who chose
rather to be known among the sons of the Law of One, yet of the
households of those in authority among the sons of Belial. These
brought disturbing forces, yet the entity was among those who
sojourned first in the land of the Pyrenees, and later in the
Egyptian land - as there was the developing of the ideas and the
coalition of activities of the priest of the children of the Law of
One with Ra-Ta in the Egyptian development. Hence again we find the
greater abilities through those periods was in aiding the development
for the propagation of those tenets and truths. ALSO IN: Conflict
between Belial and Law of One
that the entity was in the Egyptian land, but from the Atlantean land
- for the entity, it may be said, was the sex leader of the peoples
of that particular group who came into Egypt. Thus the revelry of
same, as well as revelry physically in same, was a part of the
activities of the entity in associations and affiliations with the
individuals of that experience. Thus turmoils were brought about, and
many of the Natives as well as the sojourners there insisted upon
those activities being tempered. Hence the necessity for the Priest
to be returned for activity came about by those turmoils which arose,
or were caused by the entity's influences in those particulars. In
the latter portion, the abilities for what later in the experience of
man's walks of life became known as the operatic airs, the folklore
music, and the hymns and psalms, all were a part of the entity's
expression. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
that the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when
there was the breaking up of the land, owing to the attempts of the
sons of Belial to use the activities of the sons of the Law of One
for self-indulgence, self-aggrandizing, - because of the desires for
activities in which the baser metals, the baser activities might be
turned into use for pleasures of the sons of Belial. Hence we find
the entity, though overpowered in some directions, set its
determinations then as to use of such as gases, liquid air,
explosives, things having to do with both creative and destructive
forces. These became the study, the attention and the activities of
the entity in the experience. And these activities, with those with
whom the entity journeyed to the Egyptian land, brought some of the
experiences that caused both good and bad activities in the Egyptian
land. For, those who were a portion of the Natives as well as a part
of the activities that rebelled against the King in the Egyptian
land, attempted to use these. Though they were not given as a part of
the entity's experience, the entity's knowledge of same brought the
disturbing forces. Eventually, with the return of the Priest, all of
these became a part of the constructive activities, - in the
hospitalization as well as in the manners of moving great stones,
figures, etc., that were a part of the experiences which the entity
entertained and used for constructive influences. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Technology,
Science, Architecture
was in the Atlantean as well as the Egyptian land. The entity was
among the children of the Law of One who came into the Egyptian land;
being among those who at first sought the establishing more of the
Atlantean activities in the Egyptian land (for the entity was a
princess in the Atlantean land). Yet, with the return of the Priest
by some of the Natives as well as some of the King's own household,
the entity became closely associated with the Priest. Thus the center
or background kept as the central activity of the entity through its
life pattern or life seal; for the entity through that period saw not
only the building for the seal for the preservation of the precious
records of the entity, but also that which was to be a seal as a
record for time in the experience of man, as indicated through the
astrological aspects of man in that particular experience.
was in the Atlantean land, yet of those peoples who came into the
Egyptian land when there were the turmoils and trials. The entity
became a helpful influence in establishing the coordination of
activities in the land, when the Priest was returned to authority and
power. Then the entity became one who aided in directing the
preparations of those in the Temple of Sacrifice and the Temple
Beautiful for specific activities chosen by the individuals.
was in the Atlantean land, then there were those periods
necessitating the exodus because of the destructive forces being used
by the children of Belial. The entity was a priestess in the Law of
One, and among those who - ill - came into the Egyptian land, - as
the elders in those groups for preserving the records, as well as for
preserving a portion of that race, that peoples. With the periods of
reconstruction after the return of the Priest, the entity joined with
those who were active in putting the records in forms that were
partially of the old characters of the ancient or early Egyptian, and
part in the newer form of the Atlanteans. There the entity gained
throughout, - being active in the greater expression of the figures,
the casts. For, the entity then cast the figures of the Priest's
companion, as well as of the Young King, that became a part of that
worshiped for its BEAUTY - NOT for the character it represented!
Please interpret aright the difference there! It interpreted the
beauty as from the winged pharaoh, the goddess of love, - not because
it represents a portion of any experience but the beauty depicted by
the character of the individual in the figure so made. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those periods of necessity
of the groups being separated, owing to the upheavals as were being
brought by the sons of Belial - in using spiritual forces for
self-gratification, self-indulgence. The entity was among the
children of the Law of One, and among those that went first to the
Pyrenees, then to the Egyptian land; where there were, with those
periods of purification, the attempts of the teacher or leader to
unify the activities. And under the varied groups that bound
themselves for a single purpose for the establishing materially of
the things that be of God, the entity joined there in a service that
brought the abilities of that land to produce those products that
became the activities which have preserved the records later of that
land. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
was among those groups that came into Egypt from the Atlantean land.
And during those periods when there were the activities for the
preparation of individuals and of groups to be active in preserving
the tenets of the Priest as well as of the children of the Law of
One, the entity was active in aiding individuals in their
preparation. First, through the Temple of Sacrifice, and then their
preparation - as would be termed today - for vocational guidance.
Hence the abilities as the teacher, as the instructor, lie latent and
manifested in the entity in the present.
was in the Atlantean land, in those periods when there were the
preparations resulting from those activities and disputes between the
children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial; so that the
various groups were sent to the varied lands. The entity was among
the children of the Law of One, -the mathematician, the one who made
preparations for those journeys through the air to the Pyrenees;
later, with those establishings of the activities in Egypt, the
entity took residence there; becoming associated with Ajax or Ax-Tell
in those experiences. The entity made measurements for some of those
activities that brought about the buildings in parts of the Nile, as
to make for the governing of the waters of same. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Vocations and
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those necessities of the
various groups to leave the land. The entity was among the children
of the Law of One. Eventually the entity came into the Egyptian land,
during those periods when there were the reestablishings of the
activities of the Priest, the coalition of the activities of the
peoples from the Atlantean land as well as the Natives of the period;
when the great expansion was being made by the preparations of
various natures and characters. The entity was the student of the
soil; not pertaining to nature's storehouse but rather of that which
might be obtained as the supply of foods and raiment, the activities
of that nature, or of vegetation; not only pertaining to food but
that necessary for cloth, for paper, and for the supplying of things
of those natures. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those interpretings of the
leaders in that land, and the understanding of how that the sons of
Belial were making application of the spiritual laws to that of self-
aggrandizement. The entity entertained those activities, but was of
that group of the sons of the Law of One. While there were those
disputations, and those that would carry the records and the laws to
the land of Egypt for their preservation, at first the entity held
out against this; later came into the Egyptian land, making that
first attempt to defy those peoples of the land because of the period
of turmoils those peoples had entered. This brought disputations
between the leaders of both the Egyptian natives and those who had
remained loyal to the King, and those still thinking of seeking the
means for the counsel of the Priest Ra-Ta again. The entity was
deposed before there had been, or could be, an agreement reached.
Later, with the return of the Priest, and after years of being held
in check, the entity understood - and began to work with some of
those who had been put in authority, - being, as it were, subdued in
its might and power. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of
was in the Atlantean land, but among those groups dispatched to other
lands at the time of destruction. With the entrance of the groups
into Egypt the entity was among those who had been in the Pyrenees.
With distribution of various groups the entity went into the land of
Saad. There the entity made application of those tenets that were the
combination of the Egyptian and the Atlantean teachings. ALSO IN:
Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those changes being
wrought, when the upheavals were known. The entity, with many of
those that escaped to the various lands, joined in the exodus; first
settling in the Pyrenees and then - with that establishing of the
united effort on the part of the Atlanteans with the Egyptians - the
entity entered into Egypt, and became acquainted with, associated
with, those activities having to do with the vocational guidance -
especially as presented in the Temple Beautiful services and the
Temple's activity. The entity finally became, in that period, one of
the first of the Atlanteans to be established as an officer in the
stations in the Temple Beautiful; or, as would be termed, as a
professor in the preparation and the education of individuals as to
their place in the affairs of the groups and the nations through that
experience. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there was the
abandoning of the land owing to the periods of destruction. The
entity was among those that came to what is now the southern portion
of the land of the present nativity, or in what is called Yucatan -
then it was called Yuk. In that sojourn the entity was among those
that aided in establishing there the priests and the priestesses in
the activity of the teachings of the peoples as related to the Law of
One. In the latter portion of the entity's sojourn there, many of
those lands now known as the Egyptian - then of Mu or Ra -came to
pass the messages for the building of the activities and of those
things that made for the preservation of the thoughts and teachings
of those people in that land. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
Other Lands
in the presenting more of the activities of the entity through the
Atlantean-Egyptian experience, something of the background - or that
might be called history of the period or time - would be well; that
the entity might see as to how those experiences may be said to fit
that as the entity finds about self even in the present. In that
sojourn, then, we find that Assen-ni was of the children of the Law
of One; with the children of Belial as the negative influence or
force among the children of men. And there was the realization by
Assen-ni that those who had been born were through no fault of their
own being used as creatures for exploitation; and that through the
very influence and power of the children of Belial the Creative
Energies were being used for destructive purposes - or as cloaks
behind which their activities might be carried on. Thus those
disintegrations were brought about that were so well given in the
injunctions later written in the admonitions to Abraham, to Jacob, to
Moses, to Elijah, to Joshua, to all the children of promise - of
which we have records. And if the entity will interpret the
admonitions of Moses, much of that which is THE INNER BASIC PRINCIPLE
of the entity may be found. With the realization of the children of
the Law of One that there was to be the final breaking up of the
Poseidian- Atlantean lands, there were the emigrations with many of
the leaders to the various lands. Thus we find Assen-ni came into
that called the Egyptian land, with Ax-Tell as well as Ajax as they
were attempting to coordinate their teachings with those of the
religious teacher - or the Priest of the period. There we find the
entity presented again the consideration that must be given to those
of EVERY walk of life; and that not by birth or position alone were
the activities of the leaders to become the laws or the ruling forces
and influences among the lands, among the peoples. Hence we find the
entity was active especially in the influences for the establishing
of the Temples of Sacrifice, and the Temple Beautiful; that
represented or offered a channel through which there was a purging of
the bodies as well as the minds, in the manners as we have indicated.
It was much in the same way and manner that our hospital institutions
and educational institutions of today would purge the individual from
disease that wrecks body and mind; as well as the preparation of the
individual through the educational forces for the perpetuation of the
good - or the best in the race. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
that (among those that have the greater influence in the present
experience of the entity) we find the entity was in the land now
called the Atlantean, and especially of the Poseidian peoples who
were active when there were the preparations through the breaking up
of the land, - and the preserving of records, the activities for the
use of those things that had been a part of the activity throughout
the Atlantean experience. There we find the entity was with those
groups who entered first into the Pyrenees, and then the Egyptian
land. The entity was among the children of the Law of One, and those
who used the powers called in the present the natural sources, or the
electrical forces, for propelling as well as for conveniences in the
activities and appliances that might be used in the various fields to
SERVE human needs. The entity was among the sons of those who were
with Ax-Tell, Ajax and those of that experience who entered into the
activities in the Egyptian land, when there had been the correlation
made with the Priest and teachers of that particular land. Especially
those forces used for communications, as well as for appliances for
particular services, were the activities of the entity in that
was in the Atlantean and Egyptian land. The entity was among the
children of the Law of One who came into the Egyptian experience for
preserving the records of those activities, and entered into the
bringing of harmony when the Priest in Egypt had been restored to
power. Because the entity was of the Atlanteans who did not favor the
activities of the leader of the Atlanteans in the rebellion, it
brought questionings of his peoples. But with the reestablishing of
the Priest, and those in order for the regeneration of the peoples
for the new race - which was a part of the experience of the entity
in Poseidia, the entity became the supervisor of the excavations, -
in studying the old records and in preparing and in building the
house of records for the Atlanteans, as well as a part of the house
initiate - or the Great Pyramid. These colors, that presented or
represented the various periods, as well as the interpretations of
On, Ra-Ta and Hermes, and the wise men of the period, were placed by
the orders of the entity.
Cayce Readings Copyright Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971,
Original Page
Design and Programing by William
Terrell Copyright William Terrell 1996 All Rights Reserved