The Edgar Cayce Readings
Continent and Culture of Atlantis
Readings Extract - Technology, Science, Architecture
READING: 364-4
As the peoples were a peaceful peoples, their developments took
on rather that form - with the developing into the physical material
bodies - of the fast development, or to the using of the elements
about them to their own use; recognizing themselves to be a part OF
that about them. Hence, as to the supplying of that as necessary to
sustain physical life as known today, in apparel, or supplying of the
bodily needs, these were supplied through the natural elements; and
the DEVELOPMENTS came rather in the forms -as would be termed in the
PRESENT day - of preparing for those things that would pertain to
what would be termed the aerial age, or the electrical age, and
supplying then the modes and manners of transposition of those
materials about same that did not pertain to themselves bodily; for
of themselves was transposed, rather by that ability lying within
each to be transposed in thought as in body. ALSO IN: Atlanteans
and the Environment
READING: 364-4
In these things, then, did Amilius [?] see the beginning of, and
the abilities of, those of his own age, era, or period, not only able
to build that as able to transpose or build up the elements about
them but to transpose them bodily from one portion of the universe to
the other, THROUGH the uses of not only those RECENTLY re-discovered
gases, and those of the electrical and aeriatic formations - in the
breaking up of the atomic forces to produce impelling force to those
means and modes of transposition, or of travel, or of lifting large
weights, or of changing the faces or forces of nature itself.
the latter portion of Atlantis CITIES were builded more and more.
Rare became those abilities to call upon the forces in nature to
supply the needs for those of bodily adornment, or supply the
replenishing of the wasting away of the physical being. ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
to the highest point of civilization, this would first have to be
determined according to the standard as to which it would be judged:
As to whether the highest point was when Amilius ruled with those
understandings, as the one that understood the variations (changes in
the Earth), Or whether they (the variations) became man made, would
depend upon whether we are viewing from a spiritual standpoint or
upon that as a purely material or commercial standpoint. ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
variations (changes in the Earth), as we find, extend over a period
of some two hundred thousand years (200,000) -that is, as light years
- as known in the present - and that there were MANY changes in the
surface of what is now called the earth. (A light year is a Earth
year as explaned later. It took Atlanteans 200,000 years to advance
technologically) ALSO IN: Reference to Time Periods of Events
Describe one of the ships of the air that was used during the highest
period of mechanical development in Atlantis. (A) Much of the nature,
in the EARLIER portion, as would be were the hide of MANY of the
pachyderm, or elephants, many into the CONTAINERS for the gases that
were used as both lifting and for the impelling of the crafts about
the various portions of the continent, and even abroad. These, as may
be seen, took on those abilities not only to pass through that called
air, or that heavier, but through that of water - when they received
the impetus from the NECESSITIES of the peoples in that particular
period, for the safety of self. The shape and form, then, in the
earlier portion, depended upon which or what skins were used for the
containers. The metals that were used as the braces, these were the
COMBINATIONS then of what is NOW a lost art - the TEMPERED brass, the
temperament of that as becomes between aluminum (as now called) and
that of uranium, with those of the fluxes that are from those of the
COMBINED elements of the iron, that is carbonized with those of other
fluxes - see? These made for lightness of structure, non-conductor OR
conductors of the electrical forces - that were used for the
IMPELLING of same, rather than the gases - which were used as the
lifting. See? For that as in the NATURE'S forces may be turned into
even the forces OF that that makes life, as given, from the sun rays
to those elements that make for, or find CORRESPONDING reaction in
their APPLICATION of same, or reflection of same, TO the rays itself
- or a different or changed form of storage of FORCE, as called
electrical in the present.
Describe in more detail the causes and effects of the destruction of
the part of Atlantis now the Sargasso sea. (A) As there were those
individuals that attempted to bring again to the mind of man more of
those forces that are manifest by the closer association of the
mental and spiritual, or the soul forces that were more and more as
individual and personal forms in the world, the use of the these
elements - as for the building up, or the passage of individuals
through space - brought the uses of the gases then (in the existent
forces), and the individuals being able to become the elements, and
elementals themselves, added to that used in the form of what is at
present known as the raising of the powers from the sun itself, to
the ray that makes for disintegration of the atom, in the gaseous
forces formed, and brought about the destruction in that portion of
the land now presented, or represented, or called, Sargasso sea.
ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN:
References to Location of Atlantis
Describe briefly one of the large cities of Atlantis at the height of
its commercial and material prosperity, giving name and location. (A)
This was called Poseida, or the city that was built upon the hill
that overlooked the waters of Parfa. In the vicinity was the egress
and entrance to the waters from which, through which, many of the
people passed in their association with, those of the outside walls
or countries. Poseida was not an altogether walled city. A portion of
it was built so that the waters of these rivers became as the pools
about which both sacrifice and sport, and those necessities for the
cleansing of body, home and all, were obtained. These waters were
brought by large ducts or canals into these portions for
preservation, and yet kept constantly in motion so that it purified
itself in its course; for, as we find, as is seen, water in motion
over stone or those various forces in the natural forces purifies
itself in twenty feet of space. ALSO IN: Places and Descriptions
of Atlantis
buildings were much in that of tiers - one upon the another, save
principally in the temples. The temples were about the sacred fires
where those sacrifices that were gradually builded by the people in
their attempt to appease those forces in nature, were offered. In
these temples, we find these of large or semi-circular columns of
onyx, topaz, and inlaid with beryl, amethyst, and stones that made
the variations in catching the rays of the sun. Hence a portion of
same became as the sun worshippers in other portions, from which
there were an egress of the peoples. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
entity, during that period when there was the breaking up of
Atlantis, was the king or the leader that worshipped the ONE, or the
Law of One, and led in gathering and taking care of those records of
the Atlanteans as to the abilities to use the unseen forces in the
activities as related to the material things of man. ALSO IN:
Followers of Belial
to the Great Congress held during the age of the destruction of the
enormous animals. In the period when this became necessary, there was
the consciousness raised in the minds of the groups, in various
portions of the earth, much in the manner as would be illustrated by
an all- world-broadcast in the present day of a menace in any one
particular point, or in many particular points. The gathering of
those that heeded was like a meeting of scientific minds of the
present day. They met to devise ways of doing away with that menace.
The manner in which these gathered was very much like the Graf [Graf
Zeppelin?] were to gather those that were to cooperate in that
effort. The ways devised were those that would change the ENVIRONS
for which those beasts were needed or take away their sustenance in
the particular portions of the earth that they inhabited. This was
administered much like sending out from various central plants a
"Death Ray", or the super-cosmic ray, from the
stratosphere. This was to draw upon the varied conditions that
existed in the various portions of the land then occupied by man.
ALSO IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Other Lands ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth
there were those destructive forces brought through the creating of
the high influences of the radial activity from the rays of the sun,
that were turned upon the crystals into the pits that made for the
connections with the internal influences of the earth, the entity
through turmoil again joined with those of the Law of One. ALSO
IN: Followers of the Law of One ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient
Earth Changes
was in that called or known as the Atlantean land, during the periods
when there was much turmoil and strife from the rejections by many of
those laws and tenets of One; when the upheavals began that made for
the egress of many from that city of the Poseidon land -or in
Poseidia the entity dwelt among those where there was the storage, as
it were, of the MOTIVATIVE forces in nature from the great crystals
that so condensed the lights, the forms, the activities, as to guide
not only the ship upon the bosom of the sea but in the air and in
many of those now known conveniences for man as in the transmission
of the body, as in the transmission of the voice, as in the recording
of those activities in what is soon to become a practical thing in so
creating the vibrations as to make for television - as it is termed
in the present. The entity then was among the princesses that served
the peoples not only of high but of low estate in that particular
period of activity in the land. Hence we find with those turmoils
that came from without, as the voices of those were raised against
those in authority that controlled those activities for their own
self-gratification, there were brought trials to the entity and those
about same.
was in that known as the Atlantean land, during those periods when
there were the destructive forces being sent out and used by the sons
of Belial and those that followed close therein. The entity was
rather among those peoples that followed the law of One, and was in
the name and in the household of Ajahel; being the princess of the
temple in Poseidia, and executed much of those forces that dealt with
the various manners of their communications with the varied lands.
During those periods when there were the gatherings of nations, or
the peoples of the world for the pitting of themselves against the
beasts that overran the earth, the entity aided in such gatherings of
those; for the entity - as given - RULED the connections, or
associations, or communications. Hence the entity guided those
influenced for the right; being overcome only by the forces of Belial
when the destruction was brought by the use of that which had been
applied for the destruction of the animals in that particular
experience. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO
IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts
was in the Atlantean land and rebelled with those forces of Baalilal,
with those activities in the electrical appliances, when these were
used by those peoples to make for beautiful buildings without but
temples of sin within. ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
appliances for electrical influences that may bring healing or
destructive influences. THEN they were used by the entity as
DESTRUCTIVE influences.
entity was associated with those that dealt with the mechanical
appliances and their application during the experience. And, as we
find, it was a period when there was much that has not even been
thought of as yet in the present experiences.
the firestone that was in the experience did the activities of the
entity then make those applications that dealt with both the
constructive and destructive forces in the period. Constructive and
destructive forces were generated by the activity of this stone. In
the center of a building, that today would be said to have been lined
with non-conductive metals, or non-conductive stone - something akin
to asbestos, with the combined forces of bakerite [bakelite?] or
other non- conductors that are now being manufactured in England
under a name that is known well to many of those that deal in such
things. The building above the stone was oval, or a dome wherein
there could be or was the rolling back, so that the activity of the
stone was received from the sun's rays, or from the stars; the
concentrating of the energies that emanate from bodies that are on
fire themselves - with the elements that are found and that are not
found in the earth's atmosphere. The concentration through the prisms
or glass, as would be called in the present, was in such a manner
that it acted upon the instruments that were connected with the
various modes of travel, through induction methods - that made much
the character of control as the remote control through radio
vibrations or directions would be in the present day; though the
manner of the force that was impelled from the stone acted upon the
motivating forces in the crafts themselves. There was the preparation
so that when the dome was rolled back there might be little or no
hindrance in the application direct to the various crafts that were
to be impelled through space, whether in the radius of the visioning
of the one eye, as it might be called, or whether directed under
water or under other elements or through other elements. The
preparation of this stone was in the hands only of the initiates at
the time, and the entity was among those that directed the influences
of the radiation that arose in the form of the rays that were
invisible to the eye but that acted upon the stones themselves as set
in the motivating forces - whether the aircraft that were lifted by
the gases in the period or whether guiding the more pleasure vehicles
that might pass along close to the earth, or what would be termed the
crafts on the water or under the water. These, then, were impelled by
the concentrating of the rays from the stone that was centered in the
middle of the power station, or power house (that would be termed in
the present). As to describing the manner of construction of the
stone, we find it was a large cylindrical glass (as would be termed
today), cut with facets in such a manner that the capstone on top of
same made for the centralizing of the power or force that
concentrated between the end of the cylinder and the capstone itself.
the same form of fire the bodies of individuals were regenerated, by
the burning - through the application of the rays from the stone, the
influences that brought destructive forces to an animal organism.
Hence the body rejuvenated itself often, and remained in that land
until the eventual destruction, joining with the peoples that made
for the breaking up of the land - or joining with Baalilal [Baal?
Belial?] at the final destruction of the land. At first, it was not
the intention nor desire for destructive forces. Later it was for the
ascension of power itself. ALSO IN: Followers of Belial ALSO
IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
records of the manners of construction of the firestone are in three
places in the earth, as it stands today: In the sunken portions of
Atlantis, or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may yet be
discovered, under the slime of ages of sea water - near what is known
as Bimini, off the coast of Florida. And in the temple records that
were in Egypt, where the entity later acted in cooperation with
others in preserving the records that came from the land where these
had been kept. Also the records that were carried to what is now
Yucatan in America, where these stones (that they know so little
about) are now - during the last few months - BEING uncovered. In
Yucatan there is the emblem of same. Let's clarify this, for it may
be the more easily found - for they will be brought to this America,
these United States. A portion is to be carried, as we find, to the
Pennsylvania State Museum. A portion is to be carried to the
Washington preservations of such findings, or to Chicago. The stones
that are set in the front of the temple, between the service temple
and the outer court temple - or the priest activity, for later there
arose (which may give a better idea of what is meant) the activities
of the Hebrews from this -in the altar that stood before the door of
the tabernacle. This altar or stone, then, in Yucatan, stands between
the activities of the priest (for, of course, this is degenerated
from the original use and purpose, but is the nearest and closest one
to being found). ALSO IN: References to Location of Atlantis
we find the application of the electrical forces and influences was
especially in the association and the activities of same upon metals;
not only as to their location but as to the manner of the activity of
same as related to the refining of some, and the discovery of others,
and the use of the various forms or transportation of same - or
transformation of same to and through those influences in the
find the entity there made use of the metal known as iron, or the
combinations of iron and copper - which have long since been removed
from use in the present; or copper so tempered by the use of same
with a little of the iron, or in its formation in such a way and
manner as to be hardened to the abilities for same to be used much in
the way that many of those combinations have been found in the
Egyptian, the Peruvian and portions of the Chaldean lands - and MORE
will be found in the Indo- China city yet to be uncovered. In the
activities the application of these was in a little different order,
of course, from that in the present. For the characters of the dynamo
or the generators for same were used in a way and manner in which
there was the transformation of the direct to the activities for
using same much in the same manner (the entity will understand, in
the study of same) in which gases are now used as a means for
propelling force or influence to act as a pump for the transformation
of casing-head gas to gasoline, and the REFUSE used to produce or
make the power for the machine producing same. That is, from the
direct current passing through the activity of the fusing of metals
and the transmutation that forms from same, and the active forces as
turned into that in which it makes for the clearing of the refuse
forces of the ore in such a manner that the very fuse itself becomes
the source of an alternating current to which there is added then a
stepped- up activity in which the direct current then becomes the
source of the energy to produce this fusing of the metals or ores.
All of these activities then became a part of the use of electrical
forces for metals and their activity upon same to be used as
carbonizing them, or directing them in manners in which they became
as magnetic forces for the applications to portions of the body for
transmuting or changing the EFFECT of activities upon the physical
energies and forces of the body; able to use same as re-ionizing or
re-generating the bodily forces themselves. For as the very forces of
the bodily functionings are electrical in their activity, the very
action of assimilation and distribution of assimilated forces is in
the physical body an active force of the very LOW yet very high
VIBRATORY forces themselves. Hence there the entity made application
in those directions; and these act upon the influences or forces or
metals, or active principles within the human forces themselves. For
within the human body - living, not dead - LIVING human forces - we
find every element, every gas, every mineral, every influence that is
outside of the organism itself. For indeed it is one with the whole.
For it is not only a portion of, and equal to, and able to overcome
or meet every influence within, but there is not the ability in the
third dimensional force or influence to even imagine anything that
isn't a part of the activity of a physical LIVING organism! Hence the
use of these was a portion of the entity's experience, when there was
the preparation for the cleansing and the transmuting of the bodies
in the preparations for the new race.
was in the land of the Poseidians when the rule was in the house of
Ode [Od?], and the entity then gave to that people the manner of use
of the universal forces as may be applied in the way of mechanical
construction in a physical plane. ALSO IN: Places and
Descriptions of Atlantis ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
was in the Atlantean period. Entity made those choices for the Sons
of the Law of One, and when the entity had to make those choices for
that as was to deal with those who brought destruction by the
misapplication of spiritual laws in material ways and manners. Those
as we find were the periods when the entity excelled in those things
that had to do with machinery, mechanics, the application of
electrical forces as would be called today those of radiation, and
heating, and the applications of same to the uses for crafts, for
homes, for buildings, the use of same in the associations of what
would be called today commercial ways and manners. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the land now called the Atlantean, during those periods when -
before the destructive forces that arose in the land - there were the
particular activities in the communications; not only by the lighter
than air machines but by the developments of the communications in
what are now known as the radio-active forces. Those were a portion
of the entity's activity, and in con junction with those that
supervised such associations did the entity give and lend aid and
counsel that made for the establishing of such an influence of those
in the land during that sojourn. The entity was among those who aided
not only the lowly but those in authority; losing only in trying to
defend some of the associations against the activities of the
activities of the children of Belial. But there was developing
throughout the experience. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and
Law of One
things that pertain to the mysteries of the deep, the mysteries of
the universe, the mysteries of old, find a seeking - a seeking. And
oft has the entity caught, as it were a fleeting glimpse of the
temples of old there (Atlantis), as well as in those lands where the
entity spent the latter portion of its experience - when the
preparations were made in the Temples of Sacrifice, in the Temples of
Beauty - or the Temple Beautiful; for the perfecting of bodies, of
those that had been considered even by the entity and those
associates of same as the rabble.
existence in Poseidia, Atlantis, during first destructive influences
used by the sons of Belial; when the influences of the sun were
crystallized through the crystal that then controlled the motivative
forces in the experience.) ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
entity was active in the recording of the messages, the directing of
those forces that came with the use of the light that formed the rays
upon which the influence from without was crystallized into what
would become as the sound from the outer realm to the static or
individual realm. These were not only the rays from the sun, set by
the facets of the stones as crystallized from the heat from within
the elements of the earth itself, but were as the combination of
these. For it was these gases, these influences that were used for
what we call today the conveniences as for light, heat, motivative
forces; or radial activity, electrical combinations; the motivative
forces of steam, gas and the like for the conveniences.
this entity was among those who attempted to make such conveniences a
part of the experience of those who were -as indicated - the
producers of that used for food, clothing; for the MACHINES as it
were for the producing of these - as we would call them today; rather
than the machines used for the sources of the correlating or
centralizing or crystallizing of the activity in their very forms.
ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
the manners of transportation, the manners of communications through
the airships of that period were such as Ezekiel described of a much
later date. ALSO IN: Reference to Time Periods of Events
Going back to the Atlantean incarnation - what was the Tuaoi stone?
Of what shape or form was it? (A) It was in the form of a six-sided
figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication
between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were the
communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to
mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from
which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of
transition or travel through those periods of activity of the
Atlanteans. It was set as a crystal, though in quite a different form
from that used there. Do not confuse these two, then, for there were
many generations of difference. It was in those periods when there
was the directing of aeroplanes, or means of travel; though these in
that time would travel in the air, or on the water, or under the
water, just the same. Yet the force from which these were directed
was in this central power station, or Tuaoi stone; which was as the
beam upon which it acted. In the beginning it was the source from
which there was the spiritual and mental contact. Understand, these
are the following of laws - if there would be the understanding or
comprehension of these. For, as has been given, the basis, the
beginning of law carries all the way through. And that which comes or
begins first is conceived in spirit, grows in the mental, manifests
in the material; as was this central force in the Atlantean
experience. First it was the means and source or manner by which the
powers that be made the centralization for making known to the
children of men, and children of God, the directing forces or powers.
Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces,
- and it is growing towards this in the present.
was in the land known as Atlantis, during that period when many
peoples understood the laws of the universal forces. The entity among
those able to carry the messages through space to other lands, and
the guider of the crafts of that period. In this period the entity
lost, for there was the misapplication of many of the forces, the
powers, understood. ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
the one before this we find in that land known as Atlantis, when the
peoples were in the stage of high civilization, as termed - or men
and women with the ability to apply so many of the laws of the
universal forces. The entity among those who saw, experienced, and
applied - in the manner - these laws; yet not wholly attached to the
development in any particular strain or element - yet all scientific
problems of the day especially interesting to the entity, through
seemingly an urge not yet developed to the point where the entity can
tell whether it is mechanical, scientifically mechanical, or of just
DREAMING that brings so much interest to self from the exploits of
those who win in scientific investigations, whether of mechanical,
physical, spiritual, or material.
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those usages of the high
developments in the activities of the mechanical nature. Thus the
entity was one who builded the planes, those activities in air, in
water, as directed by the stone from which the forces were generated
- or such as the radio beam in the present, - from that central facet
for which the entity made those experiences - and that are the dreams
of the entity in the present. These may be used for constructive or
destructive forces. These were allowed to become, or did become,
those forces that brought about the last breaking up of Poseidia. In
the experience the entity held fast to the creative purposes but was
overruled by the sons of Belial, when those warrings began between
the sons of the children of the Law of One and the sons of Belial.
ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities ALSO IN: Conflict between
Belial and Law of One
Are my inventive ideas regarding inertia motors, communication
receivers, the structure and operation of the atom, the construction
and operation of the Atlantean Maxin Unfed Light, transmutation,
gravitation, levitation, crystal lights, a heating instrument, and an
astronomical telescope, scientifically sound and practical; and if
so, when would be the appropriate time for these to be developed for
the use of mankind?
in Alta, in Atlantis. The entity among those who were of the highest
development in the material application of these forces as pertain to
the NIGHTSIDE of life, or the ability to apply that of forces not at
present used in many ways for man's own use.
was in Atlantis during those periods when there were the separations,
just before the breaking up of Poseidia. The entity then controlled
those activities where communications had been established with other
lands, and the flying boats that moved through air or water were the
means by which the entity carried many of those to the Iberian land,
as well as later those groups in the Egyptian land -when there had
been the determining that the records should be kept there. ALSO
IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Other Lands ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
the return of the Priest, by the edicts, and then the establishing of
the groups that controlled the religious and the political and the
varied activities in that land with the return of the Priest. The
entity first became sullen; then joined in with those movements for
the preparation of people for the regeneration of the bodies of
THINGS in that period. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
was in Atlantis, when there were those divisions and the breaking up
of the land had been promised through the activities of the children
of the Law of One. The entity was among those that chose to enter as
leaders in what is now called Yucatan. And the entity aided in
establishing the temple through which there was hoped to be the
appearance again of the children of the Law of One, as they listened
to the oracles that came through the stones, the crystals that were
prepared for communications in what ye now know as radio. ALSO
IN: Followers of the Law of One ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient
Earth Changes ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
as indicated, or given by Steinmetz' boss, materially, whatever
electricity is to man, that's what the power of God is. Man may in
the material world use God-force, God-power or electricity, to do
man's work or to destroy man himself. Ye did it before - will ye do
it again? The entity was among the sons of the Law of One using those
energies in the periods in Atlantis that destroyed Atlantis, that
destroyed mankind. ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
that the entity was in the Atlantean land when there were those
groups being set in other lands for various purposes and activities.
The entity was among those of the group that came into Egypt. With
the establishing of the Temple of Sacrifice, the entity set about to
use the tenets and truths that had been a part of the experience in
Atlantis, of the children of the Law of One. These were used as
suggestions in those periods, with the elements and drugs used as
sedatives, for activities in the Temple of Sacrifice or for the
surgery, in preparing individuals for definite services, by the
removal of those things that would cause one to become
different-minded because of the relationships to the activities in a
pre-existence or pre-period of materiality. ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Egypt ALSO IN: Pre-existing Civilizations
Did I live a former life on Atlantis and have to do with Areal
Navigation by levitational methods? (A) In former Atlantean
experience the entity aided in the various things which brought about
the destruction of Atlantis in its second experience; yes, the ruling
forces with the radiation from the stones were parts of the entity's
experience. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes
in that period when the Atlantean peoples were near the turning of
the higher civilized forces as apply to the application of physical
and material elements to the use of man. The entity then the one that
was first able to GENERATE that power since known as the latent force
in applied physical beings, or electronic energy as later called. The
entity then one in power, position, and gained much in this
experience, being able to serve through service given.
the one before this we find in that land now known, or has been
called, the Atlantean, and in the city of Sus [?] [Zeus?] did the
entity rule as a leader. Hence the mechanical turn of forces,
especially as will relate to those forces now termed the chemicals,
does the entity have PECULIAR interests. ALSO IN: Places and
Descriptions of Atlantis
in that known as the Atlantean period, when those first of the
explosives were made. The entity then associated with that one that
gave to the peoples the first combination of chemicals that gave
explosives in a manner to be handled by peoples. ALSO IN:
Vocations and Activities
in that land known as the Atlantean, and in that period when there
were the beginning of the peoples harkening to those influences
wherein one controlled another by the mental being. The entity
rebelled against the mis-application, the mis-use of those forces;
gaining in part and losing mightily in that the entity used for self
that of which she accused others. In this rebellion the entity lost,
in that the entity turned same to self's OWN interests. ALSO IN:
Social, Religious, Political, Legal
What is the best substance for induction, conduction, transmission of
etheronic energy? (A) This is as raised power that would be produced
from a combination of crystals. This should be rather interesting to
this body, for it is very much like that used by the body in the
Atlantean sojourn! Not that which caused the cosmic ray, or the death
ray, or the healing ray - but the ray that came from setting of the
prismatic influences from high heating - it may be from Arcturus or
it may be from the Sun; though Arcturus would be nearer proper. The
Sun may be induced to make for destructive or constructive forces,
either one. It's a combination of those forces or rays that may be
gathered in certain setting of prisms. It would require a lot of
detail in preparing same. We would rather refer this to a later
period, or seek other channels that may aid with the combination of
this we find the entity was in that land that may be called the
submerged or Atlantean land, when there were those divisions of the
lands, when the individuals and groups began to separate from the
land for other shores. The entity was among those that came into the
Egyptian land, losing in the activities that made for the sorrowing
or sorrow for self because of the separations as brought about for
the material love associations in the time. Yet in the Egyptian
experience, through the associations of those in the land to whom the
entity was brought, there was much of the strengthening of those that
made for the buildings and the connection with the buildings in the
experience when there was the giving to the people with the return of
the priest to the land. In those things that brought for the first
hospitalization, the first medical research, the first of the
distribution of the laws pertaining to the cleansing of the body in
the establishing of the Temple, both in the sacrifice and in the
Temple Beautiful, the entity acted in the capacity of supplying music
and art in their varied activities. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Egypt
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land when there were the
preparations of those things that had pertained to the ability for
the application of appliances to the various elements known as
electrical forces in the present day; as to the manners and ways in
which the various crafts carried individuals from place to place, and
what may be known in the present as the photographing from a
distance, or the fields of activity that showed the ability for
READING inscriptions through walls - even at distances, or for the
preparations of the elevations in the various activities where there
was the overcoming of (termed today) the forces of nature or gravity
itself; and the preparations through the crystal, the mighty, the
terrible crystal that made for the active principles in these, were a
portion of the activity of the entity in that experience. Much of it
brought destruction; hence was not for the glorifying of Him who gave
the ability or who made for the activities in a material plane for
the influences of the higher forces, or the higher laws of what is
called nature in itself. Hence destructive forces and constructive
forces were both as influences in the experiences of Elam in that
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the first disturbances
that arose for the destructive influences that made for the
application of spiritual forces for the material conditions that
brought the destructive influences within that land. In the city of
the Posedians was the entity, and of those tenets of the Laws of One;
yet becoming entangled with the activities as related to use of the
principles of the stone upon the spheres, these brought to the entity
periods of self- indulgences, self-aggrandizements - and these
brought destructive forces. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth
Changes ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
that we find the entity was in the land now called or known as the
Atlantean, during those periods when the entity in its development
was among the peoples of the law of One - and those contentions with
the sons of Belial. Hence the sojourns there have brought innately
and manifestedly into the present experience of the entity the
interest in the science especially of that pertaining to the
manifestations of unseen forces or powers into materiality; and those
things that have been called of the nature that builds into such
experiences, as television, radio, submarines, telephone, and the
various forms of activity in these directions have had an interest to
the entity - THROUGH ITS ASSOCIATIONS with others in these fields of
endeavor. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there were the gatherings of those in the various lands
for the knowledge of the destructive forces that were soon to come
about in the experience of those people in the Atlantean land. The
entity then was among those who journeyed to what is now known as the
central portion of America, or Yucatan; and in those activities there
the entity rose to be one in power, from the abilities to apply and
to use the physical things that had their import and activity from
the inmost forces in nature itself. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and
Ancient Earth Changes
was in that land now known as or called the Atlantean, during those
periods when there were the destructions or separations of the land
during the period of the first destruction. The entity was among
those who aided in the preparation of the explosives, or those things
that set in motion the fires of the inner portions of the earth that
were turned into destructive forces (unawares to many of those, yet)
- as was experienced by those that had followed in the law of the
One, and those that followed the law of Baal, the laws of nature are
used by the spiritual laws for the completing of what are as destined
forces in the lives and experiences of those that journey through
this mundane sphere. ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth
in the Atlantean rule. The entity then one of high authority, being
then the ruler in that land, during the age of advanced forces as
seen in earth's plane. The entity ruled well, developed much, until
the again forces of the entering of others from other spheres, and
through the warring of the nations then in that land, the entity
became selfish in that last period. The urge from this is toward
those of the arts and especially of that of the work in those of
stone, marble, granite, or of elemental forces in same, for under
this rule some of the most beautiful buildings were erected in that
plane and the entity brought much to the peoples until those
destructive forces coming from the rule in the Pyrenees brought the
destruction in that land. In the urges, the greater being then, the
desire of an understanding of all force as is applied in mechanical
construction in lifting forces, for the entity then was able to
assist much to the peoples of that period. ALSO IN: Atlantean
Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, when the people were entering into other
lands for their preservation of their activities through those
periods when destructions were coming to the land. The entity then
was among those who were the leaders into what is now known as the
Egyptian land, bringing with same much of what may be made from the
electron music where color, vibration, activities make for toning
same with the emotions of individuals or peoples that may make for
their temperaments being changed. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
Other Lands
was in that land now known or spoken of as the Atlantean, during
those days when there were the attempts of those to bring quiet, to
bring order out of chaos by the destructive forces that had made for
the eruptions in the land that had divided the lands and had changed
not only the temperate but to a more torrid region by the shifting of
the activities of the earth itself. The entity then was among the
princesses of those peoples when there were the divisions of those
that were to be the rulers, those that were to be the laborers, those
that were to administer the rulings of the ruler upon those that
would be ruled. Being among the princesses of him that made for the
rulings over the land at the time the entity made for that of
bringing to her own peoples the greater understandings, and
especially those that had followed in the way of the Law of One - or
that manifested in the present as the Christ Consciousness, or the
sons of Adam that had joined themselves with the sons of God, and as
the sons of Adam that - with Amilius - had made the records of those
things whereby there might be the cleansing of the body from the
pollutions of the world, or of the animal kingdom. ALSO IN:
Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO IN: Conflict between
Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in that now known as the Atlantean or Egyptian land; for the
entity was in both, being the one who conducted, as it were, those in
authority of the Law of One to the Egyptian land for the sojournings
of the peoples there, at the time of or just previous to the last
destruction of the Atlantean land. The entity then was in the
capacity of the director of the expedition; yet not until the latter
portion of the sojourn or experience did the entity ever join in with
those activities of that peoples in the Egyptian land, and then was
in that particular phase of ADORNING the buildings especially with
the gems or precious stones of that day. ALSO IN: Followers of
the Law of One ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those
periods when there were the beginnings of the exodus owing to the
destructive forces that had been begun by the sons of Belial. The
entity was among the Princes of the land that made for the separating
of those influences wherein there might be established the
journeyings to other lands, with the keepings of records, with the
permanent establishments of activities that have become a part of
that ye call civilization in the present time. Hence we find the
entity making for the establishments in the Yucatan, in the Luzon, in
what became the Inca, in the North American land, and in what later
became the land of the Mound Builders in Ohio; also the
establishments of those activities in the upper portion of what is
now the eastern portion of the land. The entity then was not only one
skilled in aircraft and in watercraft, as an aviator and a navigator,
but made great strides in keeping in touch with other lands through
the forces of nature in the experience. ALSO IN: Followers of
Belial ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other Lands
was in the Atlantean land, when there were the preparations for the
greater communications, the uses of forces in nature for the
activities - in the preparations of the gases, of the skins, of the
products of the trees into what are now known as means and manners of
communications and preparations - or rubber; the entity made for that
in its preparation. Then the entity was Altus - not ta but tus, for
the entity was the father of Alta. ALSO IN: Vocations and
in that land known as the Atlantean, when there were the first of the
using of the elemental forces in the application of those things that
dealt with the creating of those forces of nature into the
MATERIALIZED forms. The entity among those of the elite, as would be
termed in the present. A priestess, and a princess, in the temples of
that Tuco [?] city, and the temple of light. The entity gained and
lost miserably through these experiences. Gained in bringing an
understanding to many of the applications that were beneficial in
relationships to the Creative Forces, as well as to individuals.
Losing in bringing servitude to many through the aggrandizing of
those things that pertained to gratification of MATERIAL things,
MATERIAL desires in body, in mind. ALSO IN: Social, Religious,
Political, Legal
find the experience was in the Atlantean land, when there was the
breaking up of the land into the sections and then the destruction of
portions. And in the latter portion of the activity the entity was
among those who journeyed to the Egyptian land. In the experience the
entity was associated with those activities called or termed or known
in the present as COMMUNICATIONS; in the abilities for activities of
every nature pertaining to messages, wireless, and the abilities to
direct ships that flew in the air as well as sailed under the water;
and those influences or forces that were directed by the generation
from prisms of light and from the center of the sources of forces
that made for such directions. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with
in that land known as Atlantean land, in that period when the peoples
were coming to those conditions of the applications of the nightside
of the laws as related to the governing of the universal forces, that
might be applied to mechanics or to those of the necessities of
peoples. The entity then in rather that of the INDIFFERENT groups, or
those that partook without the use or the application of other than
that as was given by those in authority.
in the land known as that of the Atlantean, in the first of those
periods as the peoples began to apply those laws as appertain to
those of the combustion as made for the filling up of the skins that
were used as those of transportation. In the use of the elevator in
the buildings in the earth, the entity excelled during that period.
in the Atlantean period, when at that time before the first of the
destructive forces, and the usages of the influences as were gathered
by the peoples to the lands about, when the entity builded those that
made for the carrying of those machines of destruction that sailed
both through the air and under the water, did the entity carry on in
this period - and the entity gained through this experience, gaining
in that given and in the attempt to influence the PEOPLES, the
ENTITIES OF the period, to use -rather than abuse; for many climes,
many lands, sought for the INFLUENCE, for the counsel that their
lands might be blessed. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Other
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those early
portions of the experience when the activities of the sun were turned
materially into such influences as to give into man's experience much
of that which we know or understand as habit in the present. The
entity was of the children of the Law of One who preached against,
but with the activities as brought about destructive forces made as
it were the expression in the present as the entity may give, - that
every one is dependent upon the other throughout its material
sojourn. ALSO IN: Followers of the Law of One
that we find the entity was in the Atlantean land, when there were
the usages of those things in nature, - which were prompted by the
activities of individuals to turn same into conveniences for man's
own pleasure, for man's own stability in materiality. We find the
entity was well advanced in those things that are still being sought
today, - the very means and manners of turning the forces of nature
into that channel as a servant for the mind of man.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when there were the
attempts to reconstruct the activities and purposes of those peoples,
after the second of the upheavals or the breaking up of the land or
the continent. The entity was among the sons of the Law of One; and
the applications materially of the entity were in the use of some of
nature's forces or influences, in those elements known as electrical
forces, or electricity in the present. ALSO IN: Social,
Religious, Political, Legal
was in the land now known as or called the Atlantean, during those
periods of the breaking up of same, when there were many divisions of
those in the various portions of the earth as were then coming into
activity. The entity was among those who went to what was the Mayan
or Mayan and Incan activity, or the land of Oz. In the experiences
the entity led in the preserving of those things which brought the
creating of vibratory forces as from the very ESSENCE of nature's
storehouses themselves; and thus the vibrations of metals, of juices,
of plants, of the activity of nature or of the sun and the dew upon
same became the entity's activities. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Egypt ALSO IN: Atlanteans and Ancient Earth Changes ALSO
IN: Social, Religious, Political, Legal
was in the Atlantean land, when there were those activities that
changed the dwellings of the peoples there. The entity was among the
younger of those peoples of the Law of One who came into the Egyptian
land, and with the united efforts of the Atlanteans and the
Egyptians, with the developing of those periods that were the very
foundations of that which IS the hospitalization in the present, and
the activities as recorded as portions of that ye call medical
actions, - these were portions of the entity's activities. Raised
through the purification, the classification in that experience, the
entity became a power throughout that part of the sojourn in that
land. The entity became an authority upon the temperaments and the
tenets that would be the more effective in the experiences of
individuals. Thus, as ye would call in the present, the entity was
more of a psychoanalyst, as would be called today; aiding in the
determining factors to which individuals and various groups would be
set for their studies for the greater advancement of the individual
and the abilities of same. ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact with Egypt
ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
Going back to the Atlantean incarnation - what was the Tuaoi stone?
Of what shape or form was it? (A) It was in the form of a six-sided
figure, in which the light appeared as the means of communication
between infinity and the finite; or the means whereby there were the
communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to
mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from
which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of
transition or travel through those periods of activity of the
Atlanteans. It was set as a crystal, though in quite a different form
from that used there. Do not confuse these two, then, for there were
many generations of difference. It was in those periods when there
was the directing of aeroplanes, or means of travel; though these in
that time would travel in the air, or on the water, or under the
water, just the same. Yet the force from which these were directed
was in this central power station, or Tuaoi stone; which was as the
beam upon which it acted. In the beginning it was the source from
which there was the spiritual and mental contact. Understand, these
are the following of laws - if there would be the understanding or
comprehension of these. For, as has been given, the basis, the
beginning of law carries all the way through. And that which comes or
begins first is conceived in spirit, grows in the mental, manifests
in the material; as was this central force in the Atlantean
experience. First it was the means and source or manner by which the
powers that be made the centralization for making known to the
children of men, and children of God, the directing forces or powers.
Man eventually turned this into that channel for destructive forces,
- and it is growing towards this in the present.
in that land known as the Atlantean, during that period when there
were the separations of the bodies as male and female, for the entity
then began one of power in the period - and making for those of the
first TEMPORAL abodes, in houses that were of peculiar structure,
that oft comes to the entity's inner self in the present of that
CIRCULAR home, house, abode, or city, or peoples, that there may be
the proper differentiations in those of the abilities of individuals
to mete out that of a PRODUCTIVE nature; whether the layman, that
produces that of the original, or whether those that make for the
change into the use of the various efforts of the various groups in
THEIR respective sphere, or whether in that that DISTRIBUTES to the
NEEDS of those that labor IN the various fields OF the passing of
foods, apparel, OR what not, from the PRODUCTIVE end to that of the
USER, or of the distributor. ALSO IN: Division of Body into Two
Sexes ALSO IN: Vocations and Activities
that the entity was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when
there was the breaking up of the land, owing to the attempts of the
sons of Belial to use the activities of the sons of the Law of One
for self-indulgence, self-aggrandizing, - because of the desires for
activities in which the baser metals, the baser activities might be
turned into use for pleasures of the sons of Belial. Hence we find
the entity, though overpowered in some directions, set its
determinations then as to use of such as gases, liquid air,
explosives, things having to do with both creative and destructive
forces. These became the study, the attention and the activities of
the entity in the experience. And these activities, with those with
whom the entity journeyed to the Egyptian land, brought some of the
experiences that caused both good and bad activities in the Egyptian
land. For, those who were a portion of the Natives as well as a part
of the activities that rebelled against the King in the Egyptian
land, attempted to use these. Though they were not given as a part of
the entity's experience, the entity's knowledge of same brought the
disturbing forces. Eventually, with the return of the Priest, all of
these became a part of the constructive activities, - in the
hospitalization as well as in the manners of moving great stones,
figures, etc., that were a part of the experiences which the entity
entertained and used for constructive influences. ALSO IN:
Conflict between Belial and Law of One ALSO IN: Atlantean Contact
with Egypt
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods of the great
expansion as to ways, means and manners of applying greater
conveniences for the peoples of the land, - things of transportation;
the aeroplane as called today, but then as ships in the air - for
they sailed not only in the air but in the other elements also. In
that experience the entity gained; for, as in the present, it held to
the Law of One, - as one wife, one home, one state, one religion, one
God, one purpose.
in that period in the experience when the Atlantean forces were as of
power in the world. The entity then among those of the rulers, the
leaders of the peoples, and able in the period to bring into being -
through a knowledge and understanding of the aeromic,
aero-electronic, aeriforms of life, into activity in the destruction
of matter, or the changing of form of matter in this material plane.
The entity gained in the first portion, lost MISERABLY when these
turned to the gratifying of self's own interests. While those things
of the earth, as earthy, were abundant, the destructive forces were
in turning these to self's own interest at the EXPENSE of others.
in that period known as the Atlantean. The entity then among those
peoples who gained much understanding of the application of the
night-side of life, or of the negative influences in the earth's
spheres of those who gave much understanding in the manner of
transmission of sound, voice, picture, and such, to the peoples in
the period, using same to self's own destruction; for the entity
gained a high position during this experience, and in the Sacred City
of Peos the entity RULED with an UNLIMITED power; yet to self's and
to soul's own undoing. ALSO IN: Places and Descriptions of
we find during that period known as the Atlantean. The entity then of
those peoples that gained much in the understanding of mechanical
laws, and mechanics has its interest - but from the experience the
entity DOUBTS EVERY change that comes, yet is not made to wonder at
WHATEVER may be accomplished by man in a mechanical way and manner.
They appear rather to be natural consequences of man's application of
unseen laws. In the experience the entity lost, and gained. Gained in
the ability to aid those that were persecuted by those that USED such
applications of the night side of life to their own destruction, and
to the confounding of those that did not understand all its
relations. ALSO IN: Followers of Belial
was in the Atlantean land, before there were the second of the
upheavals, when there was the dividing of the islands, when the
temptations were begun in the activities of the sons of Belial and
the children of the Law of One. The entity was among those that
interpreted the messages that were received through the crystals and
the fires that were to be the eternal fires of nature, and made for
helpful forces in the experience of groups during that period. When
the destructions came, the entity chose rather to stay with the
groups than to flee to other lands. The unusual activities that may
come with the new developments in air, in water travel, are not new
to the entity; none of these are as surprises to the entity. For,
these were the beginning of the developments at that period for the
escape. ALSO IN: Conflict between Belial and Law of One
was in the Atlantean land when there were those periods of the law of
the children of one, of the sons of Belial. The entity, with the
abilities to bring those things to pass from the application of the
spiritual laws in its use for gratifying of material appetites,
brought under its control, many of those brought into the material
experiences in the opposite sex, or was able to make them of one form
or another, shapely, unshapely, those with forms divine, those with
such monstrosities in each as to become to the self disturbing at
times, but to self that it had need of. ALSO IN: Social,
Religious, Political, Legal
was in that known or called the Atlantean land, and in the city of
Poseidia did the entity reside, during those periods when there were
the first of the destructive influences used by the sons of Belial
and those that were in authority that made for the using of the
influences that were for the increasing of the activity of the
peoples for destructive influences. The entity made the attempts to
save much of that which was consummated by those peoples; and there
are many things within the entity's inner self often that have almost
found expression in what might be made for the crystallizing of the
influences of the sun through the crystal that then controlled the
motivative forces in the experience of the entity.
the one before this we find in that land known as the Poseidan. In
THIS experience, the entity in power - through the ability of
applying mechanical forces to those as would float, for the
connections between the various peoples of that age, being among the
first to apply that known as the perfect helm.
find in the land known as the Poseidan, or a portion of the old
Atlantean. In this period th entity found much of those that
pertained to the mysteries of nature, in the application of unseen
forces, in the usages of same for man's indwelling, and man's
physical dwelling. Hence much that is of the mystic, symbol,
symbolistic, or of that as brings to the varied consciousnesses of an
entity, does the entity often dwell upon; being mindful that those
that are of the chemical, or chemical combines in the present, does
not gain a hold that may not easily be set aside.
this entity, then, - in the center upon a board or paper, - we would
begin with the stone as the light of the activities in the temple in
the Atlantean-Poseidian era. This might be termed the Tuaoi stone -
T-u-a-o- i. This would be a six-facet stone of the height, as to
proportion, with the rest of the chart as may be indicated. The stone
of the Tuaoi would be opalescent, while the light would be indicated
from the top in the rays of the white light.
was in the Atlantean land, during those periods when the second
destruction had brought so many of the islands, and when the
Poseidian land was the greater in power; when there were the meetings
called for those of many lands, to determine means or manners in
which there would be the control or handling of the animals that were
destructive to many of the lands. The entity then acted in the
capacity of one who guided the ships that sailed both in the air and
under water; also was the maker of that which produced the elevators
and the connecting tubes that were used by compressed air and steam
and the metals in their emanations. All of these were a part of the
entity's experience and development, especially as to things
controlled by the facet for the radiation activity from the sun upon
metals, and the control of such, as well as the manner of airships
through that sojourn. ALSO IN: The Invasion of the Great Beasts
was in the Atlantean land, at those periods when there were the
second divisions, or when there was the destruction of the lands
which made Poseidia the remaining portion in which there was the
greater activity of the sons of the Law of One. Those were the
periods in which there was the application of much of that being
discovered or rediscovered today, in the application of power to
modes of transit, as well as the use of nature's means for a helpful
force in giving greater crops for individual consumption. Also they
were the periods when a great deal of thought was given as to
conveniences of every nature; as the lift or the elevating activities
developed by that entity, as well as the application of defense as
well as offensive principles.
the one before this we find in the land of the Poseidans. The entity
then in power, in glory of the peoples of the period, for the entity
aided in that of giving to the peoples the use of the mechanical
forces in universal energy. LOSING through this experience in the
aggrandizing of selfish motives, yet in the present much of this may
YET be applied in the material sense, under the different
environmental forces of mental application for the benefit of
mankind. In the application, this would apply to the mechanics -
especially of electronic energy as related to those forces known in
the entity's self respecting then body of man and the mechanics of
the one before this we find in Poseida. The entity then in that of
the MALE, and gained in power through the ability to give to the
peoples those of the sides of life that had to do with the mechanics
and the application of forces in nature that are NOT applied by the
mind of man in the present. Gaining in service, losing in
mis-application, for the engendering of thought of self rather than
neighbor, and from the application of many of those things as were
given to the peoples - in using, especially, transmission of thought,
of message, of minds, of things.
in that land known as the Atlantean. In that period, the entity then
among those of the princess of the land, and the RULER in the
Poseida, in the city called that of the Gate of Gold. The entity then
gained and lost through this experience. In this experience the
entity found MUCH that were of the forces as apply in that called the
night- side, or the negative side of life. The forces as being
positive and negative became to the entity, in the application in the
latter period, negative in their results. ALSO IN: Places and
Descriptions of Atlantis
Cayce Readings Copyright Edgar Cayce Foundation 1971,
Original Page
Design and Programing by William
Terrell Copyright William Terrell 1996 All Rights Reserved